Personal Trainers in Los Angeles: Make a “New You” Happen This Year! PART 2

personal trainer losangeles

Welcome to the second half of this two-part article series on how to set the short, medium and long-term goals that THIS is the year you will ensure you keep your New Year’s resolutions. Previously, in part 1, we spoke to some personal trainers in Los Angeles who made the following important points:

  • Set yourself two to three small goals at the start of each day. These could be things like having a salad for lunch, having a crab-free dinner or attending a 1-hour circuit training session at the gym after work. They are time-specific and easy to achieve. Write them down in a diary at the start of each day.
  • Set yourself medium-term goals to establish after a period of one or two months. These are lifestyle changes that can be gradually implemented and include goals such as drinking 8 glasses of water per day, going to the gym at least three times per week and cutting down on the amount of sugar you take in your coffee and tea. Write these goals down and put them up somewhere where you can see them, so that you remain focused!

“Remember, these daily, short and medium-term goals are as important as your ultimate, long-term goal,” urge personal trainers in Los Angeles. “They are the building blocks of fitness progress and mental morale that are so necessary in any physical transformation. Without them, you simply set yourself an impossible task with little to no idea on how to reach it. Soon, you’ll find yourself petering out and, just like last year and the year before that, sliding back into your bad eating and exercise habits.”

Combating Guilt
According to many of Los Angeles’ circuit training instructors, guilt is the ultimate corroder of self-esteem and discipline. One tiny infraction – missing out on a training session or indulging in dessert – can leave a crack in your resolve, which can cause feelings of depression and a lack of motivation. This is why setting yourself small, achievable goals on a daily basis is so important. Remember to keep them realistic in terms of what time and resources you have to spare!

“ Set yourself up for success, rather than failure,” say the circuit training instructors.

Also, rather do less and do it consistently for a long period of time, than take on too much and quit after a short time,” say circuit training instructors. “Setting and achieving these small daily goals will lead to the development of the good habits that will ultimately carry you to your long-term goals of better health, better fitness and a better body.”

Get Professional Help and Enjoy Your Transformation

circuit training los angeles
What we mean by this is speak to a personal trainer or interval training instructor. Make use of their experience and expertise to guide you towards your fitness and weight loss goals. You could even sign up for circuit training classes, in which you’ll receive the individualized attention you need to stay on track.

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